A boat with everyone rowing in the same direction is bound to reach a destination faster than one with rowers who aren’t in sync. For a company to develop a culture built on safety, it requires alignment from top to bottom. This can be a challenge in companies with employees working in a variety of roles. Still, it’s possible and probably easier than you think.
If you’ve been dreaming of an organization where employees are actively engaged in creating a safety culture, you’re in luck. We’ve put together a resource that may be able to help. Here are five things that occur when everyone in a company is on board with safety.
There’s regular communication about the merits of safety
Employees can’t practice what they don’t know, so it’s crucial that the company makes communicating with employees a priority. Especially when it comes to safety. Whether it’s simple reminders plastered in the break room about on-the-job techniques, or morning meetings with hands-on demonstrations, finding ways to incorporate safety at every turn is the best way to ensure it stays ingrained. Keeping everyone in the loop and taking an active role is crucial.
Related: OSHA Standards: Top 10 Violations, Their Meanings & How to Prevent Them
Employees know what’s in it for them
It’s not uncommon for companies with a strong culture of safety to give out awards to employees or teams that practice proper safety precautions consistently. In organizations where everyone is on board, employees are aware of these awards and relish the opportunity to win them.
Related: Accountability Is Everyone’s Responsibility
Employees feel ownership in the safety program
A utility’s front-line employees are the ones who face the biggest risks. When it comes to safety matters, it makes sense to involve them in the policy making and the training. Guidelines provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set standards that all companies must abide by. Companies that involve front-line employees on safety matters, or training exercises and demonstrations, are likely to see a more stringent enterprise-wide commitment to safety.
Related: 3 Keys to Lineworker Safety
Ease of reporting when an accident occurs
No one wants to think about accidents on the job, but they can happen. What matters most is the way the company handles them when they do. The most safety-conscious companies will always provide a simple and convenient way for employees to report injuries free of ridicule or embarrassment.
Related: Safety Meetings: Make Them More Meaningful
Injured employees receive adequate support
Certain employees, like utility employees, work with complex and dangerous equipment that can pose serious risks. Employees who work in potentially dangerous fields deserve support from leadership to minimize injury risk. Injured employees should have access to fair, streamlined workers’ compensation policies.
Related: The Ins and Outs of Tetanus and Utility Techs
When in doubt, seek us out
Utility Partners of America (UPA) stresses safety with all of its employees and on all of its service projects. We’ve helped many organizations overcome problems with safety compliance. If you’re struggling with any of the issues above, we may have a strategy that can help. Contact us today to learn more.