Unveiling AMI 2.0: Maximizing Benefits in Meter Services

In the realm of utility management and energy consumption, the evolution of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) has been a game-changer. AMI technology, originally introduced to enhance metering accuracy and streamline data collection, has now evolved into AMI 2.0. AMI 2.0 is set to revolutionize the way utilities and consumers interact with energy usage data. This next-generation upgrade promises a multitude of additional benefits. Let’s explore the advantages that AMI 2.0 brings to the industry. (more…)

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Illuminating the Future: LED Lighting Upgrades Transforming America’s Street & Area Lighting Services

In the realm of urban landscapes, the evolution of street and area lighting services has reached a pivotal point, casting a new light on communities across America. With the advent of LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology, the transformation from traditional lighting systems to energy-efficient, cost-effective LED installations has been illuminating cities, towns, and neighborhoods nationwide. This significant shift not only enhances visibility but also embodies a sustainable future. Let’s delve into the remarkable impact of LED lighting upgrades and their role in revolutionizing the landscape of public illumination.

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Here are a few of the top reasons why a utility should consider hiring a contractor to install AMI

Why You Should Outsource Your AMI Installation 

While much of the utility industry has changed and evolved over the years with the advent of new technologies, one facet that remains as true as ever, is that time is money. In an effort to work equally as efficiently as they do effectively–all while upholding exceptional customer service standards–most utilities find themselves consistently on the hunt for new ideas or processes that enable them to excel at all of the above. 

Often, as is the case with the installation of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), a wise option comes in the form of an outsourced specialist. Here are a few of the top reasons why a utility should consider hiring a contractor to install AMI over handling it themselves.  (more…)

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Near-miss Reporting: What is It, and Why is It Important?

You can call it a close call or a narrow escape, but the one thing you shouldn’t call a “near miss” is minor. In companies promoting a safety-first culture, these potential incidents are just as important to track as those that actually take place. In fact, to emphasize the importance of near-miss reporting, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides companies with a near-miss incident report form

Given the gravity of these events and the impact they can have on the business, we wanted to explore the topic further. Read on to learn more. (more…)

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Why You Should Partner with a Contractor Instead of Adding Staff

Companies in growth mode in every industry routinely face some of the same questions, touching on subjects like: “What direction are we heading?” “What are our competitors doing?” and “How can we maintain the same level of service with customers as we expand?”

But the question likely to generate the most discussion is, “Should we partner with a contractor or hire additional staff internally?” No matter where they stand in the debate, most people feel strongly about their position, which is probably why advocates for one side or the other have passionately pleaded their case in boardrooms and break rooms across the country for decades. While there are certainly advantages to growing your internal team, we wanted to talk today about the benefits of going with a contractor and the advantages outsourcing can bring to your business. (more…)

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Truths vs. Myths: A Closer Look at AMI

There’s no doubt that advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is one of the most popular topics of conversation in the utilities industry today. And given the rapid rise in installations and use across the world, that shouldn’t come as a surprise. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that nearly 70% of all electric meters have migrated to smart-enabled devices. Meanwhile, research from one analyst firm predicts the installed base of water utility AMI endpoints in Europe and North America will double between 2021 and 2027. 

Yet, despite its prevalence in the marketplace, much confusion still exists—particularly among consumers—regarding how AMI works and the benefits this emerging technology provides. That’s why we wanted to offer up a handful of AMI truths and myths to help clear up any lingering confusion. (more…)

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Top Reasons Why Utilities Should Convert to AMI

These days, it feels like smart-enabled devices are all around us. From our phones and speakers to appliances, doorbells and wristwatches, smart-enabled devices have revolutionized many different aspects of our daily lives as consumers. And while those device examples mainly benefit the consumer or end-user, plenty of smart-enabled devices—like advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)—offer a litany of advantages to both the consumer and service-providing business.

AMI modernizes the traditional act of utility metering with the help of smart-enabled devices, and utilities worldwide are switching to reap all the benefits this emerging technology has to offer. If you’re a utility considering a conversion to AMI but aren’t quite ready to take a leap, the reasons we detail below may be just the nudge you need to decide.


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Trust, But Verify: The Value of Quality Audits in Relationships, Safety and Work Product

Having their manager hover over their shoulder and check on their every move can be enough to drive an employee toward a new job or even out of the industry. And the reason why is simple: No one likes the feeling of being micromanaged. But there’s a stark difference between micromanaging and conducting regular quality audits, and most employees are perceptive enough to recognize that routine checks are actually beneficial. Read on as we detail a few ways that a “trust, but verify” mindset can help leadership illustrate just how much they care for their employees.


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