Material Management: Why It’s Important and How UPA Can Help
Imagine being a utility technician and showing up at a job site, ready and willing to tackle that day’s new task. Let’s say you work for a gas utility, and your next assignment is to install a series of pipes. As you’re working, you notice that the number of pipes stacked near you won’t be enough to complete the job. Your suspicion is confirmed when your supply runs dry halfway through. You could borrow inventory from a co-worker, but they would end up shorthanded as well. So, what do you do?
While that example is obviously an oversimplification, it illustrates precisely what can happen on the job site when material management is not adequately handled. Today, we’ll explore the concept of material management. We’ll dig into the function and explain how Utility Partners of America (UPA) can ensure a smooth material management process for your utility.