Safety Training and the Benefits Beyond Keeping Workers Safe

The inherent dangers of working in industries like utilities and construction aren’t exactly fun topics of conversation—however, they are essential to discuss. Employees and contractors in these fields are often tasked with working at heights that would make the average person uncomfortable, using heavy machinery and harnessing the power of industrial-strength chemicals. But no matter their role or that day’s tasks, the reality is the safest workers on every jobsite are those who routinely receive in-depth safety training.

To help underscore the importance of this practice, we’ve put together a list of some of the top benefits (beyond just remaining safe from jobsite hazards) workers and utilities receive when safety training becomes an organizational priority. (more…)

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PPE: What is it, and Why Must it be Inspected?

When most of us think of essential equipment to have on the jobsite, tried-and-true tools like hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches and pipe cutters are the first things to come to mind. And while those are all critical for getting the job done, there’s another vital piece of equipment that can’t be overlooked: Personal protective equipment.

Also known as PPE, this equipment keeps workers safe from jobsite-related hazards, shielding them from potential injury or even death. But the reality is that the highest quality gloves, hard hats, respirators and safety glasses can all fail if the PPE is ill-fitting or in poor condition. Regular inspection of employee uniforms and PPE not only creates customer confidence but it keeps employees safer when on site. Here are a few of the top things you should know about PPE and PPE inspections.


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Top 5 Tips to Remember About Toolbox Talks

Every workday, utility construction jobsites around the country are buzzing with activity as workers and tradespeople toil away. But before the first meter is installed, the first pole is repaired, or the first underground utility is located, it’s not uncommon to see these hardworking employees and contractors gather for what’s called a toolbox talk. Also known as a tailgate meeting, these informal sessions are brief safety discussions in which jobsite leaders reinforce best practices for remaining safe while working.  


The concept of toolbox talks has been growing rapidly in popularity over the last few decades—which may be one of the biggest reasons why worker deaths, injuries and illness are down significantly since the 1970s, according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. If you want to start toolbox talks on your jobsites or you’re looking for a few tips to improve your ongoing sessions, read on as we recap our top five things to remember about toolbox talks


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Read more about the article Metering vs. Submetering: What’s the Difference?
Row of natural gas meters with yellow pipes on building brick wall

Metering vs. Submetering: What’s the Difference?

Anyone who has spent much time around a utility company has likely heard the word “metering” thrown around a time or two. In fact, the term is so common that many utility customers have grown familiar with what it means and how metering affects them.—or so they think. But what customers, and even some utility employees don’t know, is that there is both metering and “submetering,” and the differences between the two are stark. 

To help clear up any confusion and provide context around what each is, we wanted to detail some of the biggest differences between metering and submetering.


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The Importance of Advanced Weather Analytics for Vegetation Management

It goes without saying, but anything capable of burning is subject to becoming fuel for a fire. While that might not mean much for backyard fire pit enthusiasts who are happy to throw on another oak log as the temperature dips on a cool winter night, it can be devastating in large areas thick with overgrown vegetation. We can’t say for certain how many of the nearly 60,000 wildfires that occurred in 2021 happened or worsened due to overgrown vegetation, but it’s safe to say it’s a problem. However, wildfires aren’t the only unplanned occurrence affected by overgrown vegetation. 

High winds, tornadoes, hurricanes and other perilous weather patterns can cause trees and branches to fall. This impacts millions of people. In fact, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) refers to tree contact with transmission lines as a leading cause of electric power outages and a common cause of past regional blackouts.” FERC goes on to say that a similar event was the genesis of the August 2003 blackout. This event resulted in some 50 million people in the U.S. and Canada losing power. 

To help minimize the potential of fire, adverse weather and overgrown vegetation causing a power outage, many utilities have become more proactive in their efforts with advanced analytics.


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Why Locating Underground Utilities Matters, And How UPA Can Help

Once utility lines moved from overhead to underground, service reliability improved markedly. While moving and locating utilities underground helped to ensure continuity, it also ushered in additional layers of complexity and challenges.  Homeowners, landscapers, construction companies, and utility companies themselves no longer have a line of sight on these critical lines.  This means one unlucky nudge of a shovel could result in a severed line and interrupted service.

The only way to safely and smartly proceed with a project that involves digging is to locate all underground utilities before breaking any ground at all.  That’s precisely why Utility Partners of America (UPA) created its Private Locating Division. Our goal is to help utilities and contractors identify buried utility infrastructure that could be disrupted by an upcoming excavation.

Here are the top reasons underscoring the importance of properly locating utilities before digging and more information on UPA’s private locating services.


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Five Must-Haves for Your Winter Emergency Kit

The state of Texas made headlines in February 2021 when it experienced a catastrophic infrastructure failure. Due to a series of severe winter storms that swept across the state, millions of homes and businesses lost power. The five safety tools are essential to ensure residents don’t have to battle food and water shortages.

It’s not uncommon for winter storms to have safety implications and wreak havoc on infrastructure to some degree. Weather and emergency management experts recommend curating a winter emergency kit if living in an area where a winter storm is possible. Not sure what to include? We’re here to help with these five must-haves.


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Top Five Tips for Staying Safe in the Summer Heat

There are some inherent risks that come with serving as a field technician for a utility company. One of the worst potential risks is heat and extreme summer temperatures. According to, about 175 Americans die each year from exposure to extreme heat. While that number may not seem like a lot, it  doesn’t account for the countless others who survive a heat stroke. Or those that endure the uncomfortable symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat cramps. Fortunately for people who spend hours outside each day, there are a variety of preventive things that can be done to reduce the risks. To help keep your staff safe, we encourage you to share these five tips for staying safe in the summer heat.


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Why AMI Meter Technology Makes Sense for Your Utility

Anyone who has spent time in the utility industry understands smart technology’s impact on processes and operations. In the technology realm, “smart” is an acronym for “Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology” (SMART). Smart tech is known for driving innovation and ease for its users.

Widely considered the foundation of smart technology for utilities, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has been steadily gaining momentum for years. In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), there were nearly 103 million electric utility AMI installations as of 2020. These numbers don’t account for statistics from the last two years, nor those related to natural gas or water meters, which the EIA does not publish. So, why push for this advanced technology? Today, we’ll review some of the top advantages and why so many utilities are making the move to AMI meter technology.

Related: Utility Customer Satisfaction Improves With Tech


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