Five Tips to Avoid Budget-Busting Scope Creep

When most people think of utilities, they picture industrial-sized pipes, tanks, and machinery. Infrastructure that helps deliver clean water, gas, and electricity. These elements are the foundation of utility function.

The installation/implementation of each piece of equipment or operational method is essentially a project. Something made more manageable by drafting a project plan and incorporating key performance indicators for project management. When a project balloons past original goals, it’s a serious concern. Prevent scope creep and keep your budget under control with the following five tips. (more…)

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On Board With a Safety Culture? 5 Tips To Make it Stick

A boat with everyone rowing in the same direction is bound to reach a destination faster than one with rowers who aren’t in sync. For a company to develop a culture built on safety, it requires alignment from top to bottom. This can be a challenge in companies with employees working in a variety of roles. Still, it’s possible and probably easier than you think.

If you’ve been dreaming of an organization where employees are actively engaged in creating a safety culture, you’re in luck. We’ve put together a resource that may be able to help. Here are five things that occur when everyone in a company is on board with safety. (more…)

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How to Draft KPIs for Project Management

Whether we’re talking about sailors in the 1800s or road trippers in 2021, maps are crucial for helping to find your destination. While we typically think of maps in terms of covering physical distance, a “map” can come in any form. So long as it helps to guide a journey. For utility companies, maps are often project plans. So are key performance indicators (KPIs) that help to track that initiative’s progress.

Not all KPIs are equally useful; there are some rules to follow to ensure that your utility measures the right things and asks the right questions. Here’s a quick look at what to remember as you create KPIs with your project management. (more…)

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Corrosion Surveys: Why are they Important?

Visual cues are not enough when it comes to the damage that corrosion can have.  We’ve talked recently about the causes of corrosion on utility assets, the prevention methods, and the health risks posed to customers. The one missing ingredient from that discussion is the importance of regular monitoring.

Known as corrosion surveys, these periodic evaluations search for early signs of corrosion on metal assets. Surveys should be an essential part of any utility’s preventive maintenance plan. Here’s a quick look at what a corrosion survey entails and why it’s important to conduct one. (more…)

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Improve Call Center Operations With These Four Tips

In terms of unpleasant experiences, a trip to the dentist tops the list for most people. But being bounced around from one call center representative to the next is probably a close second. Modern communication methods have undoubtedly altered the way we live, work and play. All while fueling customers’ appetite for instant gratification. If it means an expedited answer, customers aren’t afraid to leave Facebook messages or Yelp reviews or even tweets to the brands they engage with.

Despite the connotation call centers carry today, there is still hope. By deploying a handful of minor strategic shifts, your business can make the call center more customer-friendly and efficient. Here are just a few of our favorite ways to improve call center operations.  (more…)

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Leak Detection Part Two: Gas

If you’re a regular visitor to our blog, you might have caught part one of our leak detection series focusing on water. For today’s part two, we’re turning our attention to gas. The differences between water and gas leakage are stark in many ways. A gushing hydrant or cracked water main can push out gallons of water per minute, making it easy to spy a leak. Even tiny cracks can push water up to the surface, leading to swampy conditions.

On the other hand, methane (the predominant component of natural gas) is colorless, making it more complicated to detect. And while the most likely outcome with lost water is lost revenue, gas leaks can have catastrophic environmental ramifications. Join us as we continue our “All About Leak Detection” series, discussing signs, detection technology, and long-term effects of undetected gas leaks. (more…)

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Leak Detection Part One: Water

While there’s much to debate about what the future of utilities looks like, one thing that’s universally clear is this: current infrastructure is aging rapidly. While utility companies have done an admirable job to replace and repair, ongoing deterioration can have a considerable impact on key performance indicators like revenue and service disruptions.

One telltale sign of infrastructure deterioration presents itself in the form of leaks. We’ve developed a two-part series dedicated to just that. Taking a closer look at what’s being done with leak detection. Reporting on topics like signs of a leak, what can happen if there’s a prolonged undetected leak, and how to inform customers about a leak in their area. Read on as we start with water leaks and why water utilities should invest in leak detection services, and stay tuned for part two on gas. (more…)

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Basic Asset Management: Benefits of Preventive Maintenance

Utilities like those that supply power, water, and gas for residents and businesses are your prototypical service providers. Excluding the production of clean water, these businesses don’t necessarily provide a tangible good that customers can touch or hold. And like many other service providers, utilities have high overhead costs. Especially when you consider the complexities of the assets they own and the maintenance involved.

For example, it’s been reported that the cost of shifting the U.S. power grid to 100% renewable energy would cost about $4.5 trillion. That’s indicative of a massive overhaul. Replacing busted pipes, leaky valves, and outdated meters add up to a substantial cost. It’s because of these costs that utilities must take good care of their assets. Here are a few advantages for utilities that perform regular asset maintenance through preventative care. (more…)

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Clean Uniforms Create Customer Confidence

The history of work uniforms is a tale nearly as old as time. Some historians even describe workers in the middle ages donning badges or insignias to indicate their role or employer.  In field-based industries like utilities, a worker physically represents the business. A tidy uniform and professional demeanor have a huge impact on the customer experience. Here, we’ll discuss some of those benefits and ways to ensure that your utility technicians are dressed to impress. (more…)

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Utility Customer Complaints are Serious Business

Warren Buffett, one of the business world’s most successful investors, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists, has never been short on words when it comes to running a business. Among the many quotes attributed to Buffett, perhaps the most frequently recited relates to the reputation of a business. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it,” Buffett said. “If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Buffett has long led Berkshire Hathaway, a holding company for many businesses across a spectrum of industries. Because of diversity, it should come as no surprise that the advice is applicable for nearly every business including utilities. Maintaining a sparkling reputation has proven to be a challenge for some utilities. We’re here today to talk about one shift in mindset that can pay big dividends toward improving your reputational standing.

Keep reading to find out why utilities should take customer complaints and recommendations seriously. (more…)

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